The following is a selected collection of work from Los Angeles author and artist Gregory B. Stewart.
Subjects include the esoteric and sublime illustrating the inner journey of the soul to the cosmic consciousness.

Anima Mundi
This work, Anima Mundi, is an amalgam of the various traditions at work in a Hermetic understanding of Freemasonry.

A Sad Object of Death
A Sad Object of Death appears in the interior of the book, The Master mason.

The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life – The cover art from the book, The Master Mason.

Modern Third-Degree Masonic Tracing Board
This digital illustration represents the process of becoming a Master Mason.

Modern Second-Degree Masonic Tracing Board
Modern Second-Degree Masonic Tracing Board. 2007 Digital illustration Gregory B. Stewart From its original context, this digital illustration represents the process of becoming a Fellow of the Craft in Freemasonry. As it was included in the book, Fellow of the Craft, part of the text that accompanies the work reads: In this image, you will …
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The Lighthouse
Created as an illustrative frontispiece to the work Fellow of the Craft, The Lighthouse is a visual representation of the allegorical climb into the middle chamber of King Solomon’s temple.

The Allegorical Tree
The Tree of Life illustration was devised as the book cover image for The Apprentice, a book about the first degree of Freemasonry.

Ein Sof (or Ayn Sof) into Malkuth: The Endless One, No End, Unending, Becoming
Originally created as the major frontispiece for The Apprentice, Ein Sof (or Ayn Sof) into Malkuth is the journey from the material into the spiritual world.

Modern First-Degree Masonic Tracing Board
Modern Third-Degree Masonic Tracing Board. 2006 Digital illustrationGregory B. Stewart This work is a modern representation of the Masonic First-Degree Tracing Boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Apprentice Masons. Tracing boards are visual mnemonics created to illustrate the meanings and principals of Freemasonry as taught within the degrees. …
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U.S. Masonic Presidents
U.S. Masonic Presidents, 2012Digital IllustrationGregory B Stewart Freemasonry has a rich history wrapped in American political culture. In particular, a history tied to several American Presidents. This digital illustration is an encapsulation of those great (and infamous) political leaders. What makes this piece all the more meaningful is the quote from Washington woven into the …

Masonic Traveler
Masonic Traveler, 2010Digital IllustrationGregory B Stewart The cover art for the 2010 book Masonic Traveler: Under the Shadow of Jehovah’s Wing. This work is a composite of sorts that combining a variety of digital images both found and created through the medium of Photoshop. While other works have included an element of deeper meaning, this …

Texas Birds
Gregory B. Stewart, 2002/2004Oil on canvasGregory B. Stewart This work, Texas birds, took shape during a business trip to the great state of Texas. While on a break, standing outside the office building, a pair of birds went to war over what would be a delightful morsel of food, a giant grasshopper. That sight struck …

The Path of Tav
The Path of Tav – Shifting Changes of Existence Pen and ink Gregory B. Stewart The following is the frontispiece to the Fellow of the Craft, a book on the second degree of Scottish Rite Masonry. This image is a nontraditional interpretation of the second degree in that it illustrates more the Hermetic/Kabalistic aspect of the …